Monday, July 28, 2014

A Little Help from My Friends

I return to the office this week after a two and a half week leave for the birth of my child. I did my best to leave all of July open from court appearances so that no one would have to cover any cases for me.

Even those with the best intentions and planning fail sometimes though. Inevitably, courts schedule cases when I was not available and new cases come in all the time. What that means for the ADA who wants to take time off from work is that we need to rely on our colleagues.

The people are one the great advantages to working in a District Attorney's Office. Everyone is willing to help each other when the need arises. My colleagues made it easy to take the time off and rarely called or emailed for advice or questions. Whenever anyone asks what I love most about my job, I answer the people I work with.


  1. Coworkers can make or break a nice when they have your back.

  2. Is this the time to offer congratulations to you and your family? That seemed to come up fast, hope all are well and healthy!

  3. I am a student pursuing the field of criminal justice. this website adds an interesting view on the dedication of a hard working man in the system. keep up the good work. best of luck to you and yours
